Barbering Production Log


Diary Log


Today I managed to almost complete my AC1 unit for the new project. I studied 2 existing products and described them in detail. I learnt about different lighting types and how the mise en scene can relate to the viewer in different ways. Next time I will try and fully complete all of my AC1 unit


Today I managed to complete my AC1 unit by finishing off my evaluation. Next time I can start my AC2 unit and hopefully get that finished sooner rather than later. I also helped a fellow student with their AC2 recording for their dry run practise video.


Today I managed to almost complete AC2, i just need to complete my pitch and then I can move onto AC3. I managed to do some pre-production work and gather feedback from my peers about my dry run of an instructional video on barbering.


Today I managed to almost finish my pre-production work, all I have to do now is to finish a resource list and get my group list don't as these haven't been decided yet. Next time I will get these tasks done so I can move on to possibly filming the actual product. 


Today I managed to get all of my pre-production work completed, we also found out what groups we are in to complete this project. We created shot lists, storyboard and more so we know what we are doing when it comes to the recording day. 


Today I managed to add feedback forms onto my pitch in order to show more detail and also to show the viewers what I have received and how my video could be improved. On Wednesday we are recording with Mark in order to get the project finished. 


Today I completed all the pre-production work and can now move on to the filming process in order to complete the rest of the unit. 


Today we filmed the haircut for Mark in order to progress further with the unit. My group filmed the Skin Fade tutorial so all we need to do now is to edit the video I am planning on doing this through the half term break as I can then take my time with it and not rush anything, therefore, creating a better end product. 

31/05/21 - 04/06/21

During these two dates was the half-term break. During this time I used my time in order to edit the video together. I did this as I figured I had plenty of time to get a good product edited without being distracted by other things.


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