Existing Products


Existing Products 


Shot types

In this example we see a variety of shot types things such as : Close ups, extreme close ups, mid shots. This is because this is a tutorial video which shows the audience what they guy is doing but also is an appointment so we get a look at what goes on before the cutting takes places and how he tells the guy what he wants and how its done. Then we are taken on the trip on how he cuts the hair and explains what he is doing and why. 

Mise en scene

The mise en scene is very little, it only has what is needed which helps the viewer to focus on what is important (the haircut) and not to get distracted by anything else in the scene. The use of the clean background helps the viewer see small details that appear when linked with extreme close up shots of the hair. We see the barber wearing an apron which the person receiving the hair cut is also wearing. This is because this is a common thing when you get your hair cut. 

Icons, Symbols and index

In the video we see many haircutting tools and instruments which could signify different things. For example, at a certain point we can identify a comb, this could be used in many ways but in this video we can hint that it is being used to help cut the hair and then later on in the video it could be used to help style the hair therefore giving it a few different uses. 

Reason for Different shots

The use of the different camera angles each have their own effect. For example the use of the extreme close ups is to show the audience as much detail as possible so the audience can see what they are talking about with a fitting shot. So if they are talking about what the scissors are doing it would be unfitting to use a long shot as the viewer wouldn't be able to see what is going on and would loose interest.

Strengths and Weaknesses 

Watching this video it is clear to see that it does drag on this being because the video is slow paced and lasts for around ten minutes, this could make people loose interest in the video and end up not watching it all. However, on a more positive side the video is rather in depth 


Shot Types

 In this video we don't see the shot change to much, I can identify the main shot type that is used is a close up shot. This is so the video can show as much detail as possible to the viewer to give them the best chance of understanding what is going on. This is effective as it does not distract the viewer from the main focus of the video but shows them everything they need to know. However, from a video making point of view it could be deemed as boring as the angle or shot type doesn't really change through out the video therefore making an unappealing video for the viewer. The only time it changes to tilting of the camera, therefore showing what the person is doing with the hair when cutting, styling and finishing off the haircut. 

Mise en Scene

The mise en scene is rather tidy and only shows a few background objects therefore not distracting the viewer from the main focus of the video. This allows the viewer to learn as much as possible without being distract by a background object. From a positive point of view this could be seen as a way to relate with the viewer as it is set in a more homely environment which would be key as it can show them that it can be completed at home. This could be an example of a hidden message that the viewer may not always find out.  

Icons, Symbols and index

Just like the previous example we see a few different Barbering tools that will be used in order to complete the tutorial. Instruments such as clippers, combs and scissors are all included in the video and all signify different things. For example, the comb could imply finer detail and more delicacy whereas the clippers could suggest not much detail but doing work faster.


This video in-particular uses natural lighting to its advantage, this links in with this being portrayed as an easy tutorial as it is being done in a more homely environment unlike the other video I have picked up on. The lighting is good for the most part as details are clear and can be easily examined by the viewer. 

Strengths and weaknesses 

Overall, this video is rather effective at engaging with the audience with its formal layout, it helps the viewer to learn how to do the task successfully. This is done in many ways especially with the use of the text on screen. This helps the visual learners as much as the reading type in order to learn this new skill. A weakness in this video is the lack of camera changes, this is because it does get boring look at the same camera angle and not having any changes. 


In my own product i would like to include a bunch of these different techniques. I would mainly like to include changing camera angles. This would be included so that the viewer doesn't get board of looking at the same camera angle and same POV then they will hopefully watch the video al the way through. I will also use a lighting rig consisting of key, back and fill lighting (high key lighting) in order to achieve a well lit scene so the viewer can see all the appropriate details.  The use of close up and maybe even extreme close up shots will be used through out the video as it is a major thing to include when trying to to show detail to the audience. I will present the video in a formal way in order to show professionalism and to present it in a way that people will take it seriously and use the video for its intended purpose (learning tool). I will use it to help improve my end product and help people to understand the video more clearly and also I will try to include Icons, symbols and indexes in the video in order to get the audience thinking about the video. 


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