
Showing posts from June, 2021

Barbering Video - Evaluation

  Barbing Tutorial - Evaluation Production Stage The production stage was the most enjoyable stage, this is because it was the time where my group could really get out heads together and come up with specific ideas to achieve an effective, clear video. We did this by appointing specific people to specific roles  Lucas - chief editor Kyle - lights / Camera 2 Robert Andrews - director Leon - camera operator Alex - lights Jordi - behind the scenes photographer.  As you can see we all had specific jobs to do to make a good video. We appointed Rob as the director as he had a clear vision of how he wanted the video to turn out. I was on camera 1 which would capture close up shots and moving shots with Mark. Kyle was placed on lights and also on camera 2. This was because we wanted to have clear lighting set up so we could show as much detail in the haircut as well this is also why we had Alex on the lights as well. Kyle was also in charge of overlooking camera 2 which would cap...